
douglas young造句

"douglas young"是什么意思   


  1. In celebration of the achievements of contemporary home design which complement our art of living , mr douglas young , prominent home designer and founder of famous local lifestyle store g . o . d . , has been invited to serve as guest curator for this exhibition . adopting a crossover approach with four renowned local creative minds - mathias woo , wing shya , eric kot and tsao chip - he sets out to inspire audiences with unique visions in creative home representation
    为表扬家居设计在提升生活品味方面的贡献,本展览邀请了著名的家居设计师及住好d创办人?杨志超先生任客席策展人,联同四位本地著名的创作人:胡恩威、夏永康、葛文辉及陶杰来一次crossover ,一同跳出传统的框框,创造出别具特色的四头家。
  2. It's difficult to find douglas young in a sentence. 用douglas young造句挺难的


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